"Anastacio has recently expanded in new markets like Argentina or Mexico purely organically and with great success, but we are indeed considering a potential acquisition in 2024 that would speed up and simplify our expansion on the Pacific side."
How has Química Anastacio performed in the last year?
In 2022, we experienced rampant growth of 20%, well-distributed across all our 18 market segments, which we manage separately. Since last year, we launched 250 new products, continuing to strengthen our position in all markets, and with the strategic view to grow our share of specialities and counterbalance lower commodity prices. So far, we have had a 15% volume increase in sales compared to the same period last year, but our revenues are lower due to the drop in prices. At the macro level, inflation in Brazil has come under control, but interest rates remain obstinately high, dampening the investment mood. On top of this, investors are more conservative during election periods, which has led to a slower-than-expected first half in the Brazilian economy. Nevertheless, we see improvement.
How does your growth strategy look like in the coming years, noting rumours about a potential acquisition, which would be a first in the company’s history?
Química Anastacio will never cease to be a 100% owner company, keeping about 90% of the profits within the organization and relying on this capital for our growth. This year, we brought our debt to zero, our financial position being stronger than ever. Anastacio has recently expanded in new markets like Argentina or Mexico purely organically and with great success, but we are indeed considering a potential acquisition in 2024 that would speed up and simplify our expansion on the Pacific side.
And what countries do you prioritize for future growth?
Anastacio has an extensive supply network, buying from 62 countries, which has always given us great flexibility. Sales-wise, Brazil has naturally always been our number one country and our HQ, but we currently also have a very big focus on growing in Mexico, where we established our newest distribution centre. Argentina is challenging now, so we keep our business running, maintaining our position and what we have, as we wait for the outcome of the elections.
What are the main developments at Anastacio Overseas, the trading sister of Química Anastacio?
Anastacio Overseas is now the number one chemical trading company in Brazil, excluding gasoline and plastics. The business has increased its volume by 35% in the first half of 2023 versus the same time last year. Anastacio Overseas opened a new office in Peru, less than a year after opening two new offices in Africa; one in Johannesburg and one in Lagos. The trading business is running completely independently from distribution, trading itself being a completely different ball game. One might say, by virtue of its different nature, trading suffered less than distribution over the past 12 months. When commodity prices fall so strongly, distributors are left with expensive stock that they must get rid of, selling at lower margins, and buying cheaper ones, but traders can be a lot faster. As a back-to-back, business, distributors will meet with the same price dynamic at both ends (prices are low or high at both purchasing and selling points); this does not hold true for traders. Anastacio Overseas continues to hire new professional traders and expand in new segments.
Could you share with our audience Química Anastacio’s ESG strategy?
At Química Anastacio, we are fully committed to the three pillars of ESG and we have aligned ourselves with the UN 2030 agenda. So far, we contracted a consulting company to help us devise the best strategies to reduce and offset emissions. On the social side, we are running 10 projects, the most important being the program in partnership with Instituto Alicerce where we are funding education for 100 teenagers. To maximize our impact, we are asking our suppliers to join the project. Education is what Brazil needs most, and this is why the “S” leg of our ESG will be education. There are many opportunities to help at low investment and with immense impact.
Do you have a final message?
We want to be a most complete and efficient platform, and we work every day to become even more so and to make this platform ever more complete and more efficient so that when our customers plug into it, they become the best themselves.